
Friday, June 26, 2020

Why reduce the amount of sugar in the diet? Explains the experts


Why reduce the amount of sugar in the diet? Explains the experts


Can life be sweet without taking in extra sugar? Patients also ask pharmacists every day about the harmful effects of sugar on health.

What is sugar?

Various sugars are naturally found in foods, such as fruit and berry sugar (glucose, fructose), lactose or milk sugar. The labeling of foodstuffs under the heading "carbohydrates including sugars" usually indicates the total amount of sugars, both naturally occurring in the food and added sugars. However, if sugar is mentioned first in the labeling of a food in the "ingredients" section, or if several sugars are mentioned, such as brown sugar, cane sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, glucose syrup, fructose, such a product shall be considered as a product. with high sugar content.


Should and how much sugar to consume?

In March 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a statement on the role of sugar in promoting overweight and obesity. The WHO recommends that adults and children reduce the amount of sugar added to food and drink on a daily basis, including honey, syrups, fruit juices and juice concentrates. Sugar should consume no more than 10% of the total daily energy intake, while it is recommended to reduce the amount of sugar in the diet to 5% of the total daily energy intake to promote health.


The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of six teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day for women and nine teaspoons (36 grams) for men. Most Americans consume much more added sugar, that is, 22 teaspoons a day (88 grams). This amount is easy to absorb, because only one can of sweetened drink contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. Almost everyone knows that sweets and lemonades contain a lot of sugar. In other products, too, it is not particularly hidden, all you have to do is read the nutrition section of the product label. Some good breads can prove to be an overweight contributor, as 100 grams of bread can contain eight grams of sugar. Sugar can be added as a flavor enhancer, such as liver sausage, and 100 grams of pickles contains about five grams of sugar, in the end the salty bun is actually sweet. Who would have thought that a 400 gram heavy pizza contains as much as 14 grams of sugar, not counting carbohydrates like starch! Salami pizza contains about 900 calories and together with the sweetened drink it can be considered an attack on health and body weight.


Is sugar a threat to human health?

 The answer is simple: "No, Exceed of any thing is always dangerous.!"


Cardiovascular diseases. A 15-year study looked at the effects of added sugar on heart disease. Respondents (regardless of age, gender, level of physical activity, and body mass index) who ingested 25% or more of their daily calories are twice as likely to die of heart disease as those who added less than 10% to their diet. sugar - according to a study published by Harvard Medical University. High daily sugar intake changes the lipid profile - the so-called "bad" (LDL) cholesterol levels increase, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.


Type 2 diabetes. Especially sweet drinks are associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In Latvia, every tenth adult could have type 2 diabetes, but only a third of people who actually have diabetes have been diagnosed with it. In the past, type 2 diabetes was called senior diabetes, but now it unfortunately also affects children and adults.


Hypertension or high blood pressure. Salt is usually blamed for increasing the risk of high blood pressure. A study published by the American Society of Nephrology in Science Daily found that 4,528 adults who had never had high blood pressure consumed 74 grams of sugar each day (with the remark that such a small amount of sugar could be contained in, for example, a small piece of cake). ), there was an increase in blood pressure of 28%, 36% and 87%, respectively, at 135/85, 140/90 and 160/100 mmHg (assuming a normal blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg).


Gout. It is already known that "painful arthritis" or gout can be obtained, for example, by eating too much red meat, but the same applies to fructose, which increases the level of uric acid in the blood during the metabolic process. Elevated uric acid levels can also cause kidney damage and the formation of uric acid kidney stones.


Liver disease. Too much glucose has a negative effect on insulin and contributes to diabetes, but too much fructose can damage the liver. The natural fructose in the fruit should not be worried. Fruits contain not only vitamins, but also fiber. It is important! Therefore, you should not "drink fruit", because squeezed fruit juices do not contain fiber. In turn, the juice, as already mentioned, contains a lot of sugar.


More problems for the liver occur if fructose is ingested, which is added as a sweetener to drinks, chocolate bars, breakfast cereals, also honey 50% and agave syrup contains 88% fructose. If such products are ingested very often and in large quantities, the liver becomes obese and is at risk of developing fatty liver disease or hepatic hepatosis. If unhealthy eating habits are reviewed and corrected in a timely manner, then it is a reversible condition.


Dental health. Dental health is significantly affected not only by oral hygiene, but also by eating habits. Tooth decay is mainly caused by sugar-containing products - chocolate, sweet drinks, dried fruits. Bacteria in the mouth consume the sugars in food and produce acid, which is one of the causes of tooth decay. When snacking on something sweet, if you do not have a toothbrush with toothpaste on hand, it is advisable to at least rinse your mouth with clean water or drink a glass of milk, which will slightly neutralize the acidic environment in the mouth.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Sugar is thought to worsen or cause ADHD. However, the theory that ADHD contributes to excessive sugar consumption is rejected in several important studies. Some studies suggest that there is almost no doubt that hereditary factors play a major role.


Premature aging. Telomeres, or sets of DNA, are located at the ends of chromosomes and become shorter over the years, but their length will be significantly shortened for sweet drinkers. People with long telomeres age more slowly, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health. It has been found that people who drink 350 milliliters of sweetened drinks a day have shorter telomeres, which affects the aging of cellular tissue by four years.


Sweet Substitute Suite

The pharmacist describes in more detail the various sweeteners used to replace sugar. Several sugar replacement products are also available in pharmacies.


Sodium saccharin - one of the first synthetic sweeteners in the world. Despite its name, it is in no way related to sugar, is a synthetic derivative of coal tar. People are not able to metabolize it, hence, it is sweet but does not contain calories. Reports of carcinogenic effects in studies in mice have been of great concern. Unlike humans, mice are able to metabolize their compound. The results of the studies have not been epidemiologically translated into humans either. Sodium saccharin has been used safely in food sweetening since 1884.


Aspartame, acesulfame-K are amino acid derivatives with a very sweet taste. They are estimated to be on average 200 times sweeter than sugar. Although man is able to metabolize these substances, the amount required is so small that they are considered calorie-free. It should be noted that these sweeteners contain phenylalanine and may be dangerous for patients with congenital genetic diseases phenylketonuria (inability to metabolize phenylalanine). Excluding this small group of patients (an average of one in 12,000 people), these are harmless sweeteners.


Stevia - is a natural sweetener obtained from the leaves of the plant Stevia rebaudiana. It is about 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. There are people who grow this perennial themselves and add leaves to the diet. It is also available commercially as a sweetener in various forms (tablets, powder). Some people may be allergic to this plant. It contains a protein that is also found in the plant ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya). It is estimated that up to one in 30 people may be allergic. It is less common with prefabricated products.

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