
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Propolis: In what cases and how to use it properly? Explained by specialists


Propolis: Natural immune-boosting agents

Pharmacists 'observations show that in April, customers' interest in natural means of strengthening immunity, especially propolis and products containing it, increased significantly. Therefore, useful information has been gathered on what propolis is and when and how to use it properly.


As the family doctor explains, the increase in interest and demand for propolis could be explained by the fact that people are now looking for ways to strengthen their immunity, and propolis is one of the so-called natural immune-boosting agents. It has also been suggested in popular scientific articles that propolis is an antioxidant with antiviral activity. There are several scientific reports on the antiviral effects of propolis in medical databases, but clinical studies are needed to judge its effectiveness.


What is propolis and when is it used?

Propolis is a natural plant product that bees produce from the pollen and resin in plants by treating it with glandular secretions. It contains flavonoids, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements and other ingredients, says the family doctor.


The use of propolis is wide. The pharmacist explains that it is used to make products for both external and oral use. They are used in cases of skin diseases, for the treatment of the nasal mucosa both in case of runny nose and prophylactically, also in case of inflammation of the mouth and throat. They are also used in cases of gastrointestinal diseases, proctology, gynecology, as well as to strengthen immunity. However, in case of any of these diseases, it is important to choose a suitable remedy in consultation with a specialist.


Products containing propolis


Propolis is used to make various products. The best known and most common of these are propolis alcohol solution and propolis oil solution. Sunflower, olive or sea buckthorn oil is used to make the oil solution. Propolis-containing syrups, capsules, lozenges, nasal drops, ointments, suppositories, sprays and other products are also available, the pharmacist says.


On the other hand, the family doctor emphasizes that when purchasing products containing propolis, it is necessary to carefully read their instructions for use and use the product carefully, in accordance with the instructions.


Caution when using propolis

Your doctor will advise you to be very careful with propolis, as it may cause an allergic reaction in some people, which can be severe. Therefore, it should always be remembered that propolis creams and ointments intended for topical use may cause allergic contact dermatitis on the skin. Therefore, the use of any new product should be critically evaluated and initiated with caution and gradually in consultation with a specialist.


Strengthening immunity

The pharmacist has observed that over the past month, the interest of customers in other natural remedies that have antiviral activity has also increased. For example, for nasal mucosal care products that contain herbal extracts.

 The family doctor emphasizes that the most important things for strengthening immunity are a healthy, balanced diet, adequate fluid intake, regular, quality sleep, taking care of your psycho-emotional health, walking in the fresh air, daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes daily and taking vitamin D in appropriate doses.


Be healthy and take care of yourself!

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